Dual Degrees

Grainger College of Engineering students who wish to pursue a dual degree within engineering must ensure they meet the eligibility requirements of the specific major. Campus requirements, including the additional 30 credit hours required for the dual degree, can be found in the Student Code. Details specific for Grainger College of Engineering students can be found below. Please note that dual degrees are not guaranteed

  • Grainger students pursuing a dual degree within the Grainger College of Engineering must:

    • Be enrolled in the Grainger College of Engineering for a minimum of two semesters.
    • Complete at least 30 additional credit hours beyond those required for the degree with the highest number of total hours.
    • Earn 12 credit hours of distinct, advanced-level coursework.
    • To be eligible for a dual degree, students must also meet the eligibility requirements of that department.

Grainger students ready to pursue a dual degree in engineering should complete the Engineering Transfer and Dual Degree Portal.

  • To Apply:
    • Current Grainger Engineering students who joined University of Illinois as a Freshman in Summer 2017 or later and are planning for TWO Engineering degrees
      • Submit a dual degree request during the second to fifth semester.
      • Select "Dual Degree" from petition options.
    • Students who started at the University of Illinois prior to Summer 2017 must email engineering@illinois.edu to check for eligibility and process.

Students who are no longer interested in pursuing the dual degree once their application has been approved and they have accepted must fill out the Rescind Dual Degree form and email it to engineering@illinois.edu by the 10th day of classes.

Application Timelines:

  • Fall Petitions: Accepted April 1 - April 30 (Reviewed after final grades are available)
  • Spring Petitions: Accepted November 1 - November 30 (Reviewed after final grades are available)

Decisions Released:

  • Fall petitions: By July 1
  • Spring petitions: By the start of the spring semester

To be eligible to apply for an ILEE dual degree you must:

    • be a Grainger Engineering undergraduate student, or
      be enrolled in the BS in Agricultural and Biological Engineering (ABE) in the College of Agricultural, Consumer, and Environmental Sciences (ACES), or
      be pursuing a BS in Chemical Engineering (ChBE) in the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences (LAS),
    • have taken (or be taking) a TE course when you apply for ILEE, and
    • have minimum cumulative GPA of 2.25.
  • You can apply for the ILEE Dual BS degree:
    • after your first year at Illinois, if you entered the university as a first-year student, or
    • after your first semester at Illinois if you entered the university as a transfer student, and
    • up to the semester before your last year as an Illinois student.

For more information, including dates/deadlines, department contacts, and the ILEE specific dual-degree form visit https://tec.illinois.edu/academics/degree.

Effective Spring 2025, non-Grainger students at the University of Illinois may petition for a Grainger Dual Degree without first transferring to Engineering Undeclared. Students interested in pursuing a dual degree with Grainger Engineering must ensure they meet the eligibility requirements for their intended major. University policies, including the requirement to complete an additional 30 credit hours for a dual degree,  can be found in the Student Code. Specific guidelines for non-Grainger students are provided below. Please note that dual degree admission is highly competitive and not guaranteed. 

  • University of Illinois students outside the Grainger College of Engineering who wish to pursue a dual degree within Grainger Engineering must meet the following requirements: 
    • Meet the minimum eligibility requirements of the intended department.
    • Have been admitted to the University of Illinois as an incoming freshman (transfer students are not eligible for a Grainger Dual Degree).
    • Have completed at least 30 credit hours at the University of Illinois. 
    • Submit a petition at the end of their 4th or 5th semester (students may petition a maximum of two times).
    • Have never previously applied to Engineering Undeclared.
    • Earned A's and B's in all coursework.
  • Additional Considerations:  
    • Once approved for a Grainger Dual Degree, students cannot change their Grainger major.
    • Students who no longer wish to pursue a dual degree cannot drop their non-Grainger major to pursue only the Grainger major.
    • Students seeking a dual degree in two Grainger majors must petition through Engineering Undeclared.
    • CS and CS+ENG majors are not eligible for dual degree petitions. 

Non-Grainger students seeking to pursue a dual degree in engineering must complete the Engineering Changing Majors and Dual Degree Portal in their 4th or 5th semester. To apply, select "Dual Degree" from the petition options. 

  • Application Components:
    • Coursework and GPA Evaluation:
      • An assessment of completed coursework and specialized GPA.
      • The specialized GPA includes grades from Foundational Mathematics and Science courses as well as Departmental Engineering Technical Core courses taken at the University of Illinois. 
    • Required Essay Questions
      • Please include a compelling explanation for how a secondary degree, as opposed to additional course work or a minor, is needed to achieve specific educational or career goals. (200 – 400 words).
      • Please indicate any course you plan to substitute for degree requirement.  
    • Optional Essay Question:
      • Academic History Explanation, if applicable (150 words max).
    • Course Plan: 
      • A mapped-out plan detailing how you will complete both degrees.  

Students who wish to withdraw from the dual degree after their application has been approved and accepted must complete the Rescind Dual Degree form and email it to engineering@illinois.edu before the 10th day of classes.

Application Timelines:

  • Fall Petitions: Accepted April 1 - April 30 (Reviewed after final grades are available)
  • Spring Petitions: Accepted November 1 - November 30 (Reviewed after final grades are available)

Decisions Released:

  • Fall petitions: By July 1
  • Spring petitions: By the start of the spring semester