Auditing Courses
Auditing a Course (including information from Part 3-305 of Student Code): Students taking a full-time schedule of courses (12 or more semester hours) may audit (visit) a class with the written permission of the instructor and approval of College Advisor/Dean in the Undergraduate Programs Office. No credit will be given for audited classes. Laboratory, military, physical education, or studio classes may not be audited. Additional information can be obtained from the Office of the Registrar. A fee will be assessed for any student who is not full time (12 credit hours or more).
- An auditor is a listener only and does not participate in any way in class activities.
- No lab sections, military, non-theory kinesiology, or studio classes are allowed for audit.
- Course auditing is forbidden for students in The Grainger College of Engineering with “dropped” status, and auditing is rarely approved for students with a probation status.
- No credit is given for auditing; a designated grade of “AU” appears on the student transcript.
Students must meet with a College Advisor/Dean the Undergraduate Programs Office.
- Student obtains the Office of the Registrar’ “Auditor’s Permit” form and provides it to the course instructor at the first class.
- Course instructor grants permission, if space is available, and signs the “Auditor’s Permit” form.
- Student emails signed form to for advisor’s review and approval by the 10th day of instruction. [Note: Late audit requests require a written note by the instructor that the student hasn’t been participating.]
- Advisor verifies student status before signing audit permission.
- College advisor will email form to and copy student.
- The Office of the Registrar will process the form and add student to the course.
- If adding course would result in over 18 hours, student must be approved for an overload.
For exchange students, whose status in Ugrad Recs is typically shown as “Non-degree; “Nondegree” Major; Junior”:
- Advisor makes a copy of the “Auditor’s Permit” form and gives it to the Director of IPENG for the student’s record.
- IPENG students are not allowed to change their course registration after they have signed up to audit a class.